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Other downloadable guides
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Do you want to grow big juicy tomatoes at home?
There is a sense of satisfaction that comes when you grow your own tomatoes. From watching them grow to picking them from the crop and dicing, slicing or squeezing them for a dish to be served. Learn...
The Experts Guide to Growing Beautiful Roses at Home
Ever walked past a public garden and noticed how beautiful their rose arrangements looked? Or have you ever glanced over to your neighbours and felt a touch of jealously because their rose bushes were...
Health benefits of indoor plants
After being in the wilderness for the past few decades, indoor plants are back in vogue as indoor décor and more of us wanting to become ‘plant parents’. While the trend has been growing over the past...
Indoor plants that will bring fragrance into your home
Many of the most common indoor plants we choose for our homes are foliage plants – they’re grown for the beauty of their leaves. If they flower at all, the blooms are often quite insignificant. There...