Weedol® Rootkill Plus™ (Concentrate)

Watch our video about Weedol Rootkill Plus weedkiller.
Size: 1 litre
Main product features
Weedol® Rootkill Plus™ (Liquid Concentrate) is a systemic weedkiller. It kills weeds to the roots and comes as an easy mix concentrate liquid.
When to use
How to use
This easy mix liquid concentrate formulation is approved for use all around the garden including paths and drives. Weedol Rootkill Plus (Liquid Concentrate) is approved for use in a pressure sprayer or in a watering can - a dual use not allowed with some other glyphosate-based weed killers. For best results spray the weeds with fine droplets to cover the whole weed foliage without drifting on to other wanted plants.
Weedol Rootkill Plus (Liquid Concentrate) degrades in the soil to allow re-planting and children and pets can play on the treated area once dried.
Where to use
Approved for use in a watering can or your own pressure sprayer to kill weeds in beds and borders, uncultivated ground and surfaces such as paths and drives.
Contains glyphosate and pyraflufen-ethyl.
Use weed killer products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Q1: How long does Weedol Rootkill Plus Weedkiller take for the weeds to die?
A1: You may seem some initial reaction within a day or so, however, weed death happens within 14-28 days in good growing conditions. In cool weather weed control can take longer.
Q2: Why is there a difference in the water volumes when using the liquid with a sprayer or watering can?
A2: A watering can uses approximately 5 times more water than a sprayer, hence the difference in water volume. If treating annual weeds with a sprayer add 1 tube to 1 litre of water and apply to square metres, with a watering can add 1 tube to 5 litres of water and apply to 30 square metres.
Q3: What happens if it rains 2 hours after application?
A3: If rain occurs shortly after application then it is likely that most of the Weedol Rootkill Plus Weedkiller will be washed off thereby lessening its effectiveness. We advise treating weeds on a dry calm day when there will be at least 6hrs of dry weather following application. This allows the leaves to absorb the weedkiller and ensure you get the best results.
Q4: When can I plant/sow seeds after using Weedol Rootkill Plus Weedkiller?
A4: Wait 7 days for the weedkiller to kill all parts of the weed before cultivation followed by seed sowing or planting. Once the weedkiller comes into contact with the soil it is rapidly inactivated leaving no residual action.
Q5: Can I keep some diluted concentrate to use later in the year?
A5: We don’t recommend this as the liquid will lose efficacy after a few days. Only mix enough to spray for that days treatment, it’s not good practice to store pesticides in unmarked containers. Ready To Use products contain stabilisers to allow you to use today, tomorrow or 2 months time with no loss of efficacy, concentrates to not contain these stabilisers.
Q6: When can children or pets go back onto the treated area?
A6: We advise to keep children and pets off the treated area until the weedkiller has thoroughly dried onto the weeds. Store all pesticides in a secure place.
Q7: When can I use the liquid concentrate?
A7: We advise applying between April to November when weeds are actively growing with enough leaf surface to absorb sufficient weedkiller on a dry calm day.
Q8: Can I use Weedol Rootkill Plus Weedkiller near my pond?
A8: To avoid contamination of ponds, streams, etc. we advise keeping at least 1 metre away from water.
Q9: Will Weedol Rootkill Plus Weedkiller kill all weeds?
A9: Yes, but some tough weeds may need a second application if regrowth occurs.