Miracle-Gro® Professional Super Seed Hard Wearing Lawn

Watch our video about Miracle-Gro Professional Super Seed.
Size: 2kg carton
Main product features
Miracle-Gro® Professional Super Seed Hard Wearing Lawn is a lawn seed especially developed for hard wearing lawns. A multipurpose grass seed for a lawn that is high tolerant to enjoy with kids, pets, friends and family.
Specially selected variety of perennial ryegrass that regenerates and spreads by itself to create a thicker, denser lawn. And unlike most grass seeds, Super Seed works with temperature as low as 6°C.
High nitrogen feed to encourage young seedling growth for a thicker, greener lawn with calcium to help re-balance the soil pH and neutralise urine burns in lawns.
When to use
How to use
- Rake the area to remove all weeds, stones, leaves and dead grass.
- Shake the pack to mix the seeds.
- You can use the side-pack sprinkler or a spreader.
- Sprinkle evenly, creating a criss-cross pattern by sowing half the seed from left to right and the other half from top to bottom.
- Gently rake in and tread the seeds into soil.
- Soak into water with a fine spray and keep moist for the next few weeks.
- In ideal conditions when the soil is moist, grass will start appear from 9 days. In less favourable conditions allow 10-14 days.
- Mow your lawn when it has reached 5-8 cm.
Where to use
On the lawn, once the risk of frost has passed.
Coverage area
Overseeds 66m² of lawn.
Creates 38m² of new lawn.
Fertiliser analysis
Contains a mix of coated seed (fine fescues and ryegrass), controlled release fertiliser (Poly-S) and gypsum. NPK 6-0-0.
Seed mixture breakdown
Mixture breakdown of grass seed included:
- 25% Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
- 10% Chewings Fescue (Festuca rubra commut)
- 20% Strong Creeping Fescue (Festuca rubra rubra)
- 15% Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)
- 30% Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass (RPR) (Lolium perenne)
Always read the label and product information before use.
Health and Safety
Always read the pack label and product instructions carefully before use. For further information relating to product safety please review the product data safety sheet link below.