Melissa King’s Bulb Planting Guide
Nothing says Spring quite like drifts of flowering Daffodils or big bold Tulips and what would Summer and Autumn be without vibrant Lilies, Gladiolus and Dahlias? Flowering bulbs bring splashes of...
Nothing says Spring quite like drifts of flowering Daffodils or big bold Tulips and what would Summer and Autumn be without vibrant Lilies, Gladiolus and Dahlias? Flowering bulbs bring splashes of...
Your lawn, just like many of your garden plants, behaves and grows differently across each of the four seasons...
Growing your own vegetables and fruits is rewarding, but it takes quite a bit of experience and know-how to do it...
The ‘grow your own’ trend continues unabated. It’s easy to produce your own nutritious and flavoursome fruit and...
Nothing beats the flavour of strawberries picked fresh from the garden. Warm and oozing with sweetness, perfectly ripe...
There’s nothing like the flavour of home-grown tomatoes picked fresh from the plant. They’re aromatic, juicy and packed...
Growing your own vegetables is all about having better looking, fresher, tastier crops than those generally available...
Herbs are some of the easiest plants to grow, and the most delicious. Grow them in the garden, on a windowsill or in...
If you’re looking at growing your own herbs and vegetables in pots or containers, then you need to invest in the best...
Summer salads just aren't the same without a collection of colourful leaves. Plant a range of lettuce, spinach, kale...
Home-grown vegetables and herbs are essential for the food lover and amateur cook and, luckily, they are easy to grow in...
Growing your own delicious, healthy fruits and vegetables starts from the ground up. Improve your soil and you‘ll be...
When you walk down the potting mix aisle of your local hardware store or garden centre, it will quickly become obvious...
When it comes to gardening, there are three main groups of people: Those who don't have any particular preferences and...
Potting mix is the essential growing medium for plants in pots. It provides everything they need grow, flower and fruit...
Why is repotting so necessary? Plants growing in pots from very small (50mm diameter) to very large (half wine barrels...