Fast Growing Hedges For Privacy
A fast growing hedge will increase privacy, while also adding texture and interest to your landscaping.
A fast growing hedge will increase privacy, while also adding texture and interest to your landscaping.
No matter what the size or design of your home, there are houseplants that will suit your home and lifestyle.
Growing from seed is one of the most rewarding and cheapest ways to grow plants.
When you grow plants indoors or in a heated greenhouse; before they go outside in their permanent positions they need to...
Make your houseplants feel at home with the right environment.
You can easily propagate herbaceous perennials by dividing them.
There are numerous plants that have lily in their name - lily of the valley, plantain lily, arum lily, canna lily - to...
Aquatic plants are plants that like to grow in water or boggy ground and can be purchased from specialist nurseries.
Hardy annual flower seeds and seeds of many vegetables and salad crops can be sown directly outdoors in garden soil...
Hydrangeas are an asset to any garden. Flowering in late summer, they brighten up our borders just as other plants are...
Hydrangeas have a romantic elegance reminiscent of times gone by, and with their large, long- flowering blooms and...
When it comes to feeding your plants, there are several ways of doing it. There are multi-purpose general feeds that can...
Taking cuttings from a plant is easy to do once you know how. It costs very little and you don’t need complicated...
Many non-native plants can happily survive in other regions of the world, which has given gardeners more choice than...
There are numerous species and varieties of Viola that are fabulous garden plants. These range from the small-flowers of...
Snowdrops are tough, reliable plants, generally flowering in the height of winter, often poking their heads above...