Fast Growing Hedges For Privacy
A fast growing hedge will increase privacy, while also adding texture and interest to your landscaping.
A fast growing hedge will increase privacy, while also adding texture and interest to your landscaping.
No matter what the size or design of your home, there are houseplants that will suit your home and lifestyle.
Growing from seed is one of the most rewarding and cheapest ways to grow plants.
When you grow plants indoors or in a heated greenhouse; before they go outside in their permanent positions they need to...
Dig a hole and just put in the plant roots? To ensure plants establish quickly, grow properly and live a long time, you...
Pinus sylvestris. It’s one of the 3 native UK conifers that spread through the UK following the retreating last Ice Age...
Summer bedding plants and summer-flowering bulbs brighten up our gardens. Learn how to care for your plants to keep them...
Christmas houseplants are a great way of brightening up the house and they’re fabulous Christmas gifts.
There are numerous deciduous and evergreen shrubs, including roses and soft fruit, that you can propagate from hardwood...
Aphids are the most common of all pests and almost every plant from the smallest shrub to the tallest oak tree can be...
This is the perfect time of year to propagate plants in your garden from cuttings, to produce lots of new plants for...
What could be more uplifting than drifts of butter-yellow daffodils announcing the arrival of spring?
Buddleia davidii is one of the most widely grown shrubs in UK gardens. Its common name, the ‘Butterfly Bush’, refers to...
When should you feed and water your houseplants?
Mulching your garden helps trap valuable moisture in your soil improving the availability and uptake of nutrients, as...
Make your houseplants feel at home with the right environment.